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In 2009 I could use Twitter in Lynx. Can I do that in 2024?
No. I am directed to the Help Center: Supported Browsers page. Here’s a screenshot of when I was able to tweet with Lynx in 2009. And the tweet I tweeted. Do you know what Lynx is? (from 2019)
Quake yesterday
I didn’t post about the earthquake yesterday. But I felt it. And sign of the times: I didn’t immediately check Twitter. And when I did look at Twitter no accounts I follow mentioned it, but several Fediverse accounts have. Note: I’ve unfollowed many Twitter accounts since the last major quake.
Quote of the Day / Twitter Edition
We should also consider how the ‘rules based order’ we’ve devised seems unable to stand up to a bully intent on replacing free access to information with paid disinformation — and how our democratic systems seem so incapable and frozen in the face of confident vandals running around spray-painting ‘freedom’ all over the walls as...
Email of the day: “Twitter two-factor authentication is now off”
I’ve had a twitter account since October 2006. In that time they’ve been pretty diligent about security. Not anymore. Today’s email, subject line is: “Twitter two-factor authentication is now off” You’ve turned off two-factor authentication for @artlung This means you’ll no longer have this added protection when you log in to Twitter. Your account will...
Quote of the Day: anti-testimonial
“Better to talk to people than communicate via tweet” —Twitter’s owner, today
Popehat exits Twitter
I have been a fan of Ken White for quite a while. He’s the sort of contrarian thinker who nonetheless is able to actually have convictions about civil liberties. His assessments read as evenhanded to me, which does sometimes make them frustrating to read, but he leavens these views in a way that makes me...
Predicted. Quote of the Day
Running Twitter Isn’t Rocket Science. It’s Harder by Clive Thompson. In the near future, Musk and his engineers may yearn for the days when their hardest job was merely landing reusable rockets. from October 29 of this year
Back in 2019 I first heard of Mastodon. I saw this: a Pi Zero with stats back at XOXO in 2019. Since the Twitter changes, I’m using my Mastodon account more than my Twitter account. Simon Willison recently wrote Mastodon is just blogs, having blogged for twenty years I definitely feel that. Anyway, read Simon’s...
Quote of the Day from Prof Galloway
From his post @elon: in which Galloway says what free speech actually is and how it applies to Twitter. …Some basic law: Free speech is essential to a functioning democracy, but free speech is a protection from government limits on speech. Free speech doesn’t limit Twitter … it protects Twitter. Rigorous adherence to the principle...
Ventcheck – a twitter bot I wrote in 2016
Back in 2016 I attended a terrific session of the San Diego Code Kitchen at FAB LAB San Diego. It was really a lot of fun and in a few hours I was able to create an inscrutable twitter bot – @ventcheck. It was fun! I didn’t write about it here because… well… who blogged...