View From The Heart is an impressive blog…

View From The Heart is an impressive blog. The fellow behind it is a veteran critical care nurse. I used to work closely with folks just like this. Savvy, articulate, and experienced. He’s just the kind of nurse it was a pleasure to work with. He’s been blogging for a long time now – and a google search finds references to “Respiratory Therapists” , “RTs” and “Respiratory Terrorists.” Which used to be a kind of compliment. RT-ing is a bit of a cowboy profession. I know I always felt like a gunslinger with my oxygen wrench, connectors and adaptors of various kinds, nasal cannulae, ET tube tape, screwdrivers, what have you. I know I was always ready for a crisis working 7p-7a nights. Anything can happen on the night shift, and it usually did.

These two stories in particular moved me.

I’ll be checking again.

How’d I find it? A casual mention on backupbrain

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