Old Shoe


Last week was hard.

Lots of work on all fronts. I feel like these look:

Old Docs

I had those shoes since about 1996.

Two weeks ago Leah and I had a small ceremony and let them go, she took the photo above to commemorate their passing.

I recently bought some new shoes. This is a rather big step, because I despise shopping for clothes and I despise purchasing shoes most of all. But as you can see above, it was time.

It’s been a trying week. This weekend I’ve been mostly working a freelance project that is good stuff, but tight deadline-wise.

School is going fine. I’m kicking Java’s ass! Spanish is okay, though I misunderstood the instructions for some homework and missed a day 2 weeks ago from feeling poorly, so I’m turning on the diligence full-blast. Statistics is fine, I enjoy that, and hope to turn some of my new statistics knowledge into some code for the lab and for WebSanDiego.org.

I have some other freelance stuff percolating as well. When something finally launches, I’ll be posting about it, but for now things are either hush hush, or not quite done enough to post about.

The upside is that the checks are clearing on these non-public work projects.

I’m looking forward to an improved week this week. A bit less stress and complexity.

And I hope you have a good week too.


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