Headers And Rain

New Header. Thanks Leah for the great photos I can use for my occasional flights of fancy. You can see some other headers based on her photography at: 11/11/2003, 11/02/2003, 09/23/2003.

Man am I busy. I guess this latest header is something about fast motion, the deluge, overloading.

But classes are going well, LAMP Host is great, freelance is fine. And it’s raining like crazy, still. I like it. It’s scary, it’s fun.

“When the rain washes you clean — you’ll know”

“You will know”

Lent has begun. I scarcely noticed.

Sacrifice is a good word. Time to take stock. It’s a good thing, to examine oneself. Find out more about Lent.

San Diegans — enjoy the rain! It’s good to get washed clean.

I have not been particularly reflective here in the blog of late. I think it’s time to do more of it. I’ve been coasting too long.

Today my thoughts are scattered all about. There’s Spanish class, Statistics and Java. There’s python. There’s 1997 websites (you can’t have enough rollovers!). There’s laundry to be done. There’s a W-2 from last year that still has yet to arrive. There are lists of TO-DO’s a mile long. And the thing I have to remind myself is: one thing at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time. Goals are great, but life must be experienced step by baby-step. (And yes, I am making a What About Bob? reference there.

So on this wet night, I bid you good night.


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