August 23, 2004 Header


Everything’s a bit blurry. But we have new couches as of Tuesday. Leah made Adas Polo Rice the other day. That was great. Classes going well. The rat-a-tat Spanish teacher is still rat-a-tat. Killing ’em in C++ class. Technical writing is good. Enjoying my work (it’s painless and simple) and my freelance too. And Stew will be here Sunday. Marriage? not yet. Still talking about what the heck marriage is. Leah feeling better after being under the weather. We also saw Wimbledon last weekend and enjoyed it. Lite confection of a movie. My Mom will be staying with us next weekend — she has a class reunion to attend. They were roofing this week next door – the NOISE! Bas was pretty shaken up, but he’s chilled out now.

And that’s it for today. Trying to get back in the swing of writing here.

three comments so far...

yes, but can you tell me what this does?

#include <iostream.h>

int main()

*p = “Hello”

while (*p)
cout << *(++p) << endl;


Before I answer, is this what you meant?

#include <iostream.h>

int main()

char *p = “Hello”;

while (*p)
std::cout << *(++p) << std::endl;


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