December 14, 2004 Header

A Favorite Star Wars Interaction

A pal-o-mine on IM was telling me about new stringent management at his work. It reminded me of a favorite Empire Strikes Back moment:

[Darth Vader has just learned that Admiral Ozzel’s big blunder, and activates a viewscreen]
Admiral Ozzel: [appearing onscreen with Captain Piett] Lord Vader, the fleet has moved out of lightspeed and we’re preparing to –
[Ozzel stops, and suddenly begins to choke, clutching at his throat]
Darth Vader: You have failed me for the last time, Admiral. Captain Piett?
Piett: Yes, my lord?
Darth Vader: Make ready to land our troops beyond their energy field, and deploy the fleet, so that nothing gets off the system.
[beside Piett, Admiral Ozzel utters one last strangled gasp, and falls over dead]
Darth Vader: You are in command now, Admiral Piett.
Piett: Thank you, Lord Vader.

I have Star Wars on the brain lately.

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