Married,moved,and getting it together.

Smoke carries the prayers aloft

I know, I have more to say, but honestly, Joe the Potter has great stuff these days. His pottery makes great Christmas gifts, too.

Potter’s Journal: Firing with Lee
Yesterday I arose at 5 am and made my way to the kiln that Lee and I had loaded the night before. The temperature outside was hanging around ten degrees F. That was up from the five degrees of the past several mornings. Lee, always looking out for me, got me a set of insulated overalls that I gratefully wore. I prayed as I kindled the fire in the main firebox. I always do that, asking that the fire goes well and that the pots will carry the spirit of this fire into the homes and the lives of the people who use them. Sometimes if someone I know is sick or in particular need I’ll dedicate the fire to them. Each firing is a ceremony, each stick of wood going into the kiln with a prayer for someone. The smoke that goes up the stack carries the prayer aloft.

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