Married,moved,and getting it together.

Kanab From Above

My brother in law took this great picture of his daughter above Kanab. I love how the photo implies Kanab is some kind of metropolis. It’s a great town, but don’t think for a minute there’s more than one stoplight. 🙂

Many of my in-laws went on a hike on Tuesday. It was quite a hike, apparently I went more than 2/3rds up the red rock bluffs. Then, that was it. It was over a mile in distance, it felt as high as that photo shows. Maybe 15 stories or so, but that’s just a guess. Most of the family went the full distance, My calves hate me, but they’re in for more of a treat when I (finally!) get my bike. I think my knees are alright. They’re looking forward to less weight pressing down on them.

three comments so far...

Wow! What a great picture of Kanab in winter, one of my favorite vacation spots. The girl in the pic really gives scale to the composition. Nice job. Makes me want to return for a visit.

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