Back in the saddle, again…

Headed out. Only a little phlegm, and only a bit of vomiting this morning. Luckily I’ve scarcely eaten. My head is clear, my fever is gone, and I’m not coughing at all. My throat is a bit sore.

There was a bomb threat yesterday at work apparently, but I’d really like to get out of the house — so I’ll take my chances with the outside world.

No swimming today though. We’re coming up on a week without swimming.

two comments so far...

Good to hear you’re getting better… Gee, only a little vomiting? :/

Dude, what’s up with your workplace? Bomb threats? I know we get upset at our games sometimes, but… wow…

Hee hee Greg, yes.

I don’t know *what* the deal was with the bomb threat, but it apparently only lasted an hour. I’m guessing the authorities came and checked it out. Probably just a crank.

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