I had a lot of fun at Durham’s “NC JavaScript & jQuery Camp” today. Lots of driving, but even more learning and connection-making.
I was particularly happy to create my first <canvas> drawing from watching @miketaylr‘s slides on HTML5. Here’s the source:
<html> <head> <script> window.onload = function() { var ctx = document.querySelector('#c').getContext('2d'); ctx.lineWidth = 20; ctx.lineCap = 'square'; ctx.lineJoin = 'round'; ctx.strokeStyle = '#c9f'; // 'rgb(247, 63,20)'; ctx.strokeRect(10,10,346,230); } </script> <body> <canvas id="c" height=400 width=400></canvas> </body> </html>
I turned it into a gist too: http://gist.github.com/309748
I’m impressed with github for code sharing.
Also, there were open slots and I decided to present a little bit on my moribund ArtLung Rosetta project. Also on GitHub. It wasn’t well attended, but @jsmag attended and had great questions and ideas, and also, Peter Higgins of Dojo dropped in and had suggestions as well, particularly to look at the cross-platform code run in TaskSpeed, which specifically compares the performance of code to do similar tasks. The code was presented by original framework developers so it’s idiomatic and theoretically the best it could be. I in no way planned to present, but when there were slots I figured I take a shot for some constructive feedback.
Here are the slides I whipped together in 10 minutes using OpenOffice:
ArtLung Rosetta Presentation for NC JQuery & JavaScript Camp from artlung
The pushback that is a great idea would be side-by side comparisons of controls such as accordions, messagepanes, tabs, etc, compared between higher level frameworks, as opposed to the libraries which concern me in Rosetta. I’m thinking of YUI, jQueryUI, ExtJS, etc.
We’re really experiencing a renaissance of JavaScript libraries and tools. It’s a great time to be a JavaScript developer.
As for Durham / “The Triangle” — there’s clearly enthusiasm and activity there for events and people doing interesting work. I would never have found this event, though, if I had not made an effort to put together my Roanoke Web Tech Efforts. The drive down was three hours fifteen minutes, but none of it was stop-and-go traffic. So in that sense, better than Southern California. I actually got a chance to listen to an episode of yayQuery, a podcast which features some of the folks that attended, and one who was the main organizer, of today’s event, Rebecca Murphey. The podcast has a high-level of silliness, but there’s a fair amount of good jQuery content embedded in the rainbows and unicorns too.
Oh! Also, I got a copy of JSMag, which provided free issues to attendees. I’ve only skimmed it but will be taking a look at it this week.
That’s all, I’m exhausted.
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[…] in 2010 I mentioned presenting on ArtLung Rosetta. Well, the thing I wanted to do back then, I have finally done, and that’s add AJAX examples […]