On Saturday, December 13, 2008, I had the pleasure to see Zappa Plays Zappa. I failed to write extensively about it, I only mentioned it. I had a wonderful time.
You can see other writings where I mention Mr. Zappa by viewing blog posts tagged “frank-zappa”.
And of course there is my old short piece I am a Frank Zappa fan.
I will say the performance of the epic, wonderful, funny, silly, Billy The Mountain had me weeping about the fact that I never saw Frank Zappa perform live.
You can see ZPZ if you want, or check out some video snippets and related material. There’s a video you can buy of course, but see it live if you can.
I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention my favorite Zappa blogger and twitterer: Kill Ugly Radio · @killuglyradio.
two comments...
Hi –
I noticed your recent post, and wanted to share some information with you about Dweezil Zappa summer music camp, Dweezilla.
Please let me know and thanks!
Hi Amy,
I’ve heard of Dweezilla. It sounds awesome!
But it seems to be for musicians, and I’m not that…
…unless you call playing Rock Band, SingStar and Guitar Hero musicianship. 🙂