Joe Crawford is a web developer in Roanoke, Virginia. joe@artlung.com

“Push Again!”


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Grandpa: “I pushed down and nothing happened…”

Grandma: “Push again!”

This is from March 10, 2009. Futzing with the camera to take a photo of the flowers in the front yard, and a perfect microencapsulation of my grandparents and how they worked on things together. My Grandma had a pretty debilitating stroke in 1982. Let me say that again, she had a pretty debilitating stroke in 1982 and has required more or less assistance with things since then. My Grandfather retired and they worked as a great team. I like to think Leah and I work as well together.

Sadly, we lost my grandfather in September of that year. My aunts and uncles have been rockstars taking care of my grandma now. And we have additional awesome caregivers during the day. Leah and I are here in that house now and get to observe and assist where we can during the day and overnight. We won’t be in the house more than a month but we’re honored that my grandma wanted us to stay here as we transition back to California life. All the family has been incredibly supportive.

My grandma took a bad turn last week, including a trip to the Emergency Department, but seems to be coming up to her baseline this week, including walking better with her walker when necessary. She is weaker than I remember last year, but I’m hoping she improves!

But time is precious. That’s nothing new to those of you who have been following events chronicled on this blog for the past few years.

Time is precious, and we move onward, a day at a time.

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