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Dad’s words about Mom
My father says of himself and my later mother: “We majored in each other in college.” Some fun facts about them: He proposed to her during the movie Goldfinger at the drive-in. It was bold of her to visit him in Canada when she’d never been anywhere but Pasadena. He remembers movies they went to....
This weekend
Spending it with my Godson Zac, his dad my brilliant friend Chris, and Chris’ daughter Diana. There may be drawing and development. Think of it as a family BarCamp. Zac asked me which Star Wars character is my favorite, and I replied with this drawing, though he Zac did say the colors of the bandolier...
Remember when we sold nearly everything?
From November 15th, 2009. Wow a lot has happened since then. Big Big Sale! Whole House Sale Sat-Sun 13-14 Nov 2009 [9am-4pm] [REDACTED], Moorpark, CA We are selling EVERYTHING in our house this week and this weekend. EVERYTHING MUST GO EVERYTHING MUST GO FOR PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR OF THE ORIGINAL VALUE! We have: refrigerator...
Me and my nephew
From November. Quite a blessing.
Did I mention Merry Christmas?
Spent some time with this dog, in addition to all my stepkids and my lovely wife. It was a great time. Coming up next: 2012.
“Push Again!”
view this video on Flickr Grandpa: “I pushed down and nothing happened…” Grandma: “Push again!” This is from March 10, 2009. Futzing with the camera to take a photo of the flowers in the front yard, and a perfect microencapsulation of my grandparents and how they worked on things together. My Grandma had a pretty...
Stupid Relentless Cancer
I have written about my Mom and her struggle with cancer before, starting in 2007: here and here and here and here and here and here. Here we are, in 2010, two and a half years later and my Mom keeps moving forward. All the energy on display in those prior blog posts is there...
A trapped moment from July, 2009
Part of running WordPress is that when you start a post, your draft will get saved. It looks like on 21 July 2009 I cut and pasted this — I think from a quick email I sent with my cell phone to Leah while I was visiting my Grandparents for a while. Thanks for the...
Thank You All
Thank you to all who have offered condolences and warm thoughts in the past weeks. This photo is from the “Celebration of Life” event we had at Mt. Soledad, the last formal event as part of my Grandfather’s funeral services. Other posts about this are here: Previously, previously, and previously. I semi-dropped off the grid,...
Rest In Peace JJC
Part of Joseph James Crawford, Ft Rosecrans Memorial. Previously. And previously. Thank you Leah for taking these photos.