July 7, 2011 Header

Remember when we sold nearly everything?

From November 15th, 2009. Wow a lot has happened since then.

Big Big Sale!

Whole House Sale Sat-Sun 13-14 Nov 2009 [9am-4pm]

[REDACTED], Moorpark, CA

We are selling EVERYTHING in our house this week and this weekend. EVERYTHING MUST GO


We have:
     refrigerator (viblis by whirlpool – $200)
     several desks
     tall bookcases (pine, unfinished, great condition)
     kids games and toys! lots of fun stuff
     misc furniture
     mattresses – several one
     decorative items of many kinds
          medium teen boy clothes
          women’s large and plus size
     ps2 game system (ps2 slim, 2 controllers, 2 guitar hero guitars, many games)
     gamecube game system (2 controllers, many games)
     vhs machine
     older console tvs super cheap
     kitchen table + chairs
          dishes (lots of nice dishes)
          cooking pots
     art supplies
          pens, pencils
          paint LOTS OF PAINT
     craft supplies
     frames – $1.00 a piece
     books galore!
          science fiction
          graphic novels
          computer programming
     musical instruments

If you have questions about what we have to offer and get a feel for items and prices feel free to call [REDACTED] or send an email via craigslist!

We did sell almost everything, but we still have a lot of stuff. 1% of a lot of stuff is still a lot of stuff, as it turns out.

Also, this ended up driving us to Virginia, where, unbeknownst to us, we ended up spending the last year of my Mom’s life with my Mom and Dad. These are the kind of serendipitous acts of Grace and what you might call divine intervention that have acted in our lives in the past few years. It’s quite a run.

two comments so far...

It’s interesting, isn’t it? I got laid off just at the right time to see my mom through a heart “event” and to spend a lot of time with my dad in his last year of life. You never know what gifts life bears or what certain things mean until you can look back on them.

True, Suebob, true. I suppose writing is in some ways the act of retroactively imbuing meaning on things.

You’ve had a heck of a last few years as well.

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