ArtLung [Joe Crawford]

Web developer & user interface engineer
Tinkering with the web since 1996

email: · twitter: @artlung · (photo from instagram)
San Diego, California, USA


In 2010, I turned 40.

I look in the mirror at the side of my head sometimes.

I see enough silver that I’m reminded of Reed Richards.

In 2010 I got an e-card that made me laugh enough I kept it around. I was scarcely blogging then though. So, here it is now.

It cracks me up. Thanks Susan.

Cleaning up hard drives. Revamping websites. Settling old issues. Making progress on a number of fronts.

For the first time in a long time I’m feeling like there’s forward progress. There’s difficulty too. There’s real stress sometimes. But there’s joy too.

So, like, that’s cool, right? Regardless, I think it is. I’m 40+, so I can make a determination about cool.

This is the 3,586th post on this blog. This is my 12th year of blogging. This is my 16th year of having a personal website. This is the 9th year of my marriage. This is the tail end of my 41st year of life. I’m expecting all these numbers to continue incrementing. I’m anticipating continuous quality improvement. I act willfully to push all this forward.

That’s it. Thanks for reading.

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