April 2021 Thirty-one posts
One of the best ways to watch the sunset #southmissionbeach
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Marine Room Awkward
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Adding the infix “izzle” to “drizzle” makes it “drizzizzle.” Happy Monday!
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I bought a black light flashlight because my youngest nephew sent me a message with secret invisible ink. It’s otherwise useless but is kinda neat. What else can I do with a black light?
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As I was coming in at the Cove yesterday there were three little breakers which I sorta rode. I always dig when the Cove breaks even though it messes up Garibaldi-viewing.
If it can be swum I’ll swim
New sticker for the back of my notebook.
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Now overcast days never turned me off
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Last call on a drizzly day
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I saw this plush heart bot yesterday at the La Mesa Antique Mall but did not make the purchase. But it has energy I like.
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