since 1998

personal website: joe crawford. code. occasional comics. toy robots. bodysurfing. san diego. california. say hi.

It was 21 years ago today… (happy birthday blog)

It was 21 years ago today that I started blogging. Here’s what I had to say back then:

It occurs to me that this Blogger stuff may be dull.

Still, the prospect of keeping a journal is kind of a neat one.

Of course, I’ll have to keep it up. Let’s see if I can do that.

I was on blogger dot com back then. I would write on that site, and files would get published via FTP (before we all understood how fundamentally insecure FTP without a security layer was). Those files were included as Server-Side-Includes, and later as files included via PHP.

I migrated to WordPress in 2004 18 years ago and never looked back. I considered MovableType. I considered TextPattern. Used all the candidates on other projects but landed on WordPress and have been happy with that choice since then.

If you’re reading? Thanks for reading.

Here’s a photo of me at the beach!

As I used to say with more regularity: Onward.

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