since 1998

personal website: joe crawford. code. occasional comics. toy robots. bodysurfing. san diego. california. say hi.

Personal Websites are good.

I make this bold statement following a read of Exploring Personal Websites. I of course have had a personal website since 1996 which is an astounding 27 years, so I’m biased.

I continue to feel queasy about how folks use Instagram handles to sign their art. I have a sense that these will age like MySpace profile handles and AOL Keywords, but who can say?

two comments so far...

I’m always in awe when I find someone who’s had a personal website for longer than I do. In 1996 I was still engulfed with a work in the print industry (which, in hindsight, I enjoyed very much), and a year away from learning how to make websites. About the queasiness you mentioned: I tried to install my old Adium chat client of yore: it still works albeit almost all its supported protocols don’t exist anymore – except for IRC, which I indeed used in 1996. So, I’d say: e-mail, personal websites are the only ones here to stay.

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