Miscellaneous Everywhere All At Once

Oh gosh, wasn’t this site once a personal journal? How about we do that?

Last week I went back east to do some family stuff. It was a great time.

This morning I made some commits on this site, from work I’ve done over the past 2 weeks or so. Here’s the commits:

All the latest changes

  • base for a new cron file which may use
  • updated roanoke_comment_reloaded to be smarter about old trackbacks and webmentions that I want to be trackbacks
  • whole comic page improvements
  • changes to menu bar css
  • changes to add webmention class to comments
  • removal of tag code that generates in theory montages to another file
  • update to composer file to require gd functions for image manipulation

It’s been a good time. I have some things to catch up on but things are terrific.

I’ve been making covers for some of my older playlists in Spotify. What else does one do on an airplane when connectivity is dodgy or just slightly more expensive than I can tolerate?

Here are a few of them! I’m using the gallery shortcode to create this and I hope it works.

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