IndieWebCamp San Diego 2023

IndieWeb Camp San Diego 2023

This weekend I’ll be participating in IndieWebCamp San Diego 2023. That title is large, but the event will be small and outdoor, befitting the current scary age as we reckon with our nearly-but-not-quite post-COVID age.

As a longtime San Diegan I was situated to provide information for a good venue, Blackmarket Bakery on 30th Street which has a good outdoor spot and I think can accommodate an event like this. I have a backup venue in mind if we were rained out but outdoor is my strongest preference. It puts me in the mind of many WebSanDiego events I organized and co-organized 20 years ago.

If you have followed my blog and Instagram you may recall I got involved in some IndieWeb events just before COVID lockdowns changed the world and also attended one during XOXO before that paused for COVID. I credit gRegor for getting those going here in San Diego. He is the one who saw me mention the #indieweb hashtag on Twitter several years ago. I now am lucky to consider him a friend.

As to the event? It’ll be discussions of all things #indieweb – which is amply covered by the incredible Wiki at

As of this writing there are 7 visible RSVPs on the event page plus ringleader Tantek that adds up to 8 attendees. We probably could accommodate a few more too but if we got much past 10 or 12 we’d probably be overcapacity. That said, if you are a San Diegan in the area it would be great to see you stop in. Blackmarket has wonderful coffee and baked goods and fixins for breakfast and lunch and the group of nerdy folks with laptops should be pretty easy to find. Parking is cheap in the paid lot and if you can walk a block or two there’s free parking. It’s also right next to bus stops for the 11 and 2 buses.

I’m excited to be a part of this! I love the camaraderie and ideas flying around. Way Back When™ I loved attending several BarCamps and more recently UXCampDC.

Much of that momentum stopped or moved online. Thankfully IndieWeb events are numerous (see and friendly. There’s also a 24/7 IRC/Slack/Discord – (see to learn how to join)

I hope to see you this weekend or online soon!

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