Today is January 4th

I ended the day yesterday putting away Christmas decorations. Included in those are my two favorite ornaments. One by my friend Chris Greazel and one by my ex-spouse Leoh Blooms.

Chris painted this ornament in 1989 and somehow survived every move I’ve made for 30+ years. That little yellow Corvette has had staying power!

And Leoh’s is terrific, made in felt and honoring the Robot Girl by Michelle Valigura from my robot collection.

I started the day taking out the recycling and mailing some thank you cards. It was good.

Yesterday the ocean was a maelstrom of unrideability. It was windy starting early so I didn’t get out there. Today, checking Surfline, I like the human-written prediction for the day.

Expect water temps to be down a few degrees from yesterday after some acute upwelling. Surf eases through the afternoon but stays fun. Wind swirls around onshore from the SW through the day but looks to stay relatively light. Don’t expect it to be the cleanest day of waves but there should be plenty of opportunity to get a surf or two in.

Schaler Perry wrote that. I appreciate the Surfline folks, I suspect it’s a pretty hard and mostly thankless job. You don’t need the weatherman to know which way the wind blows some entertainer once crooned, but I appreciate surf reports and surf cameras.

Also this morning I updated some of my headers to more modern HTML+CSS. It’s fun to read the difference between how I wrote HTML then versus now. Tables and spacer gifs were the only real viable choice. These days those CSS gradients help immensely.

I’ll try to hit the beach and I have some other errands to do today. It might just be a good day.

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