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Film Threat Video Recommendations: Duplass

This is a post that is a draft from last year after San Diego Comic Con 2023.

In my heyday of subscribing to and purchasing paper magazines one of my favorites was Film Threat. It’s not a perfect magazine by any means but it is a brand that has survived and adapted. And film has certainly changed. Production has changed radically since the 1990s. Financing has changed. Distribution has changed. In-person film has changed. And so, film has changed. Chris Gore spoke at SDCC 2023 at a panel on independent film and how to make movies and get the word out in 2023 (mostly: build your audience online and make films any fricking way you can, you probably have a filmmaking tool in your pocket right now).

Chris Gore recommended a few things, here are the two that stood out for me. The first includes this quote:

“The Cavalry Is Not Coming”

That’s a quote from Mark Duplass is the key, and it’s a lesson: that there’s no deus ex machina for making movies. And the lesson is exactly what Chris Gore amplified: make movies any which way you can if you want to make movies:

Mark Duplass keynote from SXSW 2015

And here’s a trailer for a Duplass movie: The Puffy Chair (film) (wikipedia)

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