from Instagram via IFTTT
Viridian was science fiction writer Bruce Sterling’s effort to report on and think about climate change and what design might do about it. He declared himself “Pope-Emperor” of Viridian. With 500 Viridian Notes over 10 years, from 1998 to 2008, he wrote, and I learned about climate science, news on extreme weather and design across the planet. It was terrifying, edifying, and inspirational. I entered 5 Viridian Design contests. Never won, but these were great exercises for my developing Illustrator, PhotoShop and web skills. This is “Greeny Megawatt” a modernized Reddy Kilowatt. As part of revisiting EVERYTHING on my site artlung dot com I’ve updated the pages they live on and integrated them into my #WordPress custom theme. Fun time capsule.