New Words: The Flash Mind Reader

So people send me links to this thing, and I just can’t stand people thinking these little tricks are somehow reading their minds. So I made: “The Flash Mind Reader” – How It Works

one comment so far...

I love that you did this. My math professor just gave us a class assignment to see if we can figure out how this thing works, and though I’m terrible at math, I’m smart enough to know that the computer can’t read my mind (Thank God).

I don’t feel 100% about taking this work of yours and submitting it as my own so I’m going to only submit the first part (ex. 99, 9+9, 99-18 …… 10, 1+0, 10-1) b/c that’s just about as far as I would have gone (without your help) before putting it away to do something else. I also liked your comment: “I just can’t stand people thinking these little tricks are somehow reading their minds.” The absurdity of such a notion made me laugh …

Just wanted to say Thanks for making sense out of it for everyone who needs to know…. really nice work.

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