Married & Moving & Seeking Employment:January 2005
←December 2004
January 2005
February 2005→
January 2005
Sixteen posts
Four More Years
As of this month, I’ve been blogging 4 years — since February 2001. I’ve had a personal website about 8. Time flies.
Cleaning, Bas, Miscellany, Work
So now Leah and I are staying in Burbank. It is with sadness we make note of the passing of Johnny Carson, host of The Tonight Show for decades. Despite the fact that this motel allows pets, e.g. Bas, they have no broadband (only dial-up), so I’m composing this offline right now. I’ll post it...
Incredible amounts of rain Living in Motel in Sherman Oaks Freelance work Incredible help from family moving, packing and cleaning Sherman Heights house Cat boarded with Joe & Meg Earthly possessions in 25 foot truck Twenty-five foot truck driven to LA Twenty-five foot truck driven to Simi Valley Freelance work Job interviews Hiring of day...
Wedding Balustrade
Wedding Balustrade Originally uploaded by artlung. I think we look cute.
“Damn the torpedoes!”
Quote of the day: An exclamation by David Farragut, an officer in the Union navy in the Civil War. Warned of mines, called torpedoes, in the water ahead, Farragut said, “Damn the torpedoes! Captain Drayton, go ahead! Jouett, full speed!”
BK: My New Mobile Office
(crossposted to web405 and websandiego) This is just barely on-topic. So these days of still-not-moved in, waiting for my new abode to start, waiting for a new gig to happen, turns out I’ve discovered my new mobile office. It’s not Starbucks (t-mobile doesn’t offer reasonable month-to-month plans), but rather, it’s Burger King. How’d I find...
Did I post this yet?
With These Rings, We Thee Wed Originally uploaded by artlung. Represent.
Plug & Birthday
Doug Welch plugged my services. Thanks Doug! Still househunting. Interview Wednesday. Packing last weekend. Things is busy. Hey man, things are okay. Oh, and tomorrow is Leah’s Birthday. She’s awesome. She’s my wife!
MovableType buys LiveJournal
Well, SixApart purchased Danga, same difference. Read about it. Looks like I chose the right month to come back to do some LiveJournaling. Honestly, I’m back there because it works, it’s free, and it makes it easy to keep up with some new family and friends. Otherwise… I have a pile of things to update....
Moorpark Library / Moorpark “It’s a Grind” Coffee House
The Moorpark Library is not a hospitable place for internet access. ’nuff said. however, muchos kudos to the Moorpark It’s a Grind Coffeehouse, for tasty coffee and free 802.11b.
←December 2004
January 2005
February 2005→