March 11, 2007 Header System Notices for Just One Server

I mentioned‘s system upgrades the other day, which have now been accomplished and went off — from what I can tell — without a hitch for all the sites I host. Bully for them, and for me!

Before the upgrade happened, I emailed support and got a prompt reply that yes, indeed, there is a way to get notifications of system status beyond their web page of notifications — there’s an RSS Feed.

I subscribed to the feed but found that it contains more information than I really need. I’m hosted on only one machine, so I only need information on that.

So this morning, in just a few minutes, I set up a Yahoo! Pipe to allow me to filter this feed to just my own server. I think it’s pretty wonderful, and it was easy to set up the pipe, which in its edit mode looks like this: System Notices Filter (Yahoo! Pipe)

If you are a user, visit System Notices Filter, enter your server name, and Y!Pipes will provide you with a feed you can subscribe to using your feedreader of choice. There’s also an option to get notified of changes to this feed via email or mobile phone. I subscribed to the feed, and also signed up for notifications to my mobile phone.

seven comments so far...

apropos of nothing… hearing Xtina always reminds me of you… and I just heard her singing “Mother” on “Instant Karma: The Amnesty International Campaign To Save Darfur” and it made me WEEP. I have never experienced that with her before. Of course it took a John Lennon-penned song to do that, but hey, i thought i’d confess. It’s amazing how the music he wrote during Nixon’s presidency fit so perfectly with these troubled times. Everyone buy a copy! 😀 You too can weep!


Downloaded the song via skreemr and while I didn’t weep, it is awesome.

Though these days the music that’s compelling me is usually Stew, Tree Wave, New Order, and Kanye West.

Hope you’re well E!

I’ve been reading and listening to lots about animation, and one of the more fun things has been Spline Cast, a podcast about 3-D animation.
My favorite podcast right now is Dave Ramsey’s 1 hour version of his show. Don’t bother with the 3-hour version, it’s not really free.
My previous favorite podcast is Harry Shearer’s amazingly witty, terribly dry podcast “Le Show.” Supremely funny stuff to me.
The coming Scriptaculous 1.8 library looks like it has some new and powerful stuff in it.
Douglas Crockford’s latest comments about worrying about the security of JavaScript where many sites are pulling JavaScript from several tom-dick-and-harry websites (for ads, maps, calendars, photos, etc.) are interesting: Making JavaScript Safe. His concept is AdSafe. If you want to see him talk about the need for the tool prior to the announcement of AdSafe, check out this Google Talk on Gears and the Mashup Problem (Incidentally, this is the kind of thing I watch while I do the dishes):

In that video, I learned what an IBM 3270 is, and that the basic interaction model is what the web became. The central takeaway from this talk for me is the insight that any web page that pulls from more than one site is a mash-up. Just because you’re not using Y!Pipes or Google Mashup Editor doesn’t mean it’s not a mash-up.
Crockford is the best speaker on JavaScript ever, and probably the smartest person about client-side web programming I can think of.
Meanwhile, in 1980s pop music video news, watch this video of the Go-Go’s: Turn to You:

via Open Culture, check out this interactive Map (and Timeline) of Religion.
via We Make Money Not Art, Milk and Tales are a darned interesting art/design group that make interesting, immersive, interactive, artistic installations and public art. This is really interesting work to me. It merges my HCI interests with public art. Here’s a quote to pique your interest:

We started to work on interactive installations together as an offshoot from the course where we were fine-tuning our skills in creating narrative environments. A narrative environment is an experience or a place designed to communicate a story, is hopefully engaging and a place for dialogue. Interactive environments are inevitably linked to narrative environments. We’ve got a mix of skills and are very happy designing both.

Rafe Colburn points to this nice essay: LinkedIn and Facebook and how they are the same and how they are different. The first thing I thought of after reading it was this comment by Sassy: “LinkedIn for work, facebook and myspace for fun. There’s no more room for anything else.”
Cartoonist and illustrator (of both adult and for-kids works) Ellen Forney asks a great question:

I decided long ago not to have a pseudonym to distinguish my work for kids from my work for adults. No separate websites, no separate business cards. And no separate blogs, which is actually starting to feel a little weird. Is it weird? I just figure people can sort it out for themselves.

And if you ever wanted to watch Vanna White and Pat Sajak talk about fonts, I have you covered, via links

That’s all for this morning from Misc-ville.

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