Debt: Ultimate Dream Killer

From What Are You Destined to Be ? – Blog Maverick, Mark Cuban writes:

I’m also a big believer that financial debt is the ultimate dream killer. Your first house, car, whatever stuff you might want to buy are going to be the primary reasons you stop looking for what makes you the happiest.

Shades of Dave Ramsey. Loving that Leah and I have managed to put away about $18K in debt in the past year. Of course we’re adding more a big IRS bill coming up soon, but we’re moving in the right direction and kicking butt.

I saw Mark Cuban interviewed by Jason Calacanis many years ago at an event held by Digital Coast Reporter/Silicon Alley Reporter down at the Director’s Guild facility on Sunset Boulevard. Mark was great and surprisingly laid back. Inspiring, even.

That reminds me, that was also the event where I walked by Shaquille O’Neal. That guy is tall and makes other uses of the word “tall” seem silly by comparison.

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