Smokey Sky above Moorpark

Fires to the northwest, northeast, to the southeast. We get smoke, everything smells of smoke. No school closings tomorrow, says Moorpark Unified School District.

Sky above Moorpark 4

It all reminds me of the fires in San Diego back in 2003.

six comments so far...

Looks like the SD Blog will be sitting on their hands during this crisis. I’m listening to 760 KFMB online now. It sounds like this fire is going to be worse than 2003.

I’ve not even followed any San Diego Fires, though reading my feeds today there’s a lot going on. Very scary stuff all around!

Good on ya’ for posting to ye olde San Diego Blog.

@erin — according to the maps, we really don’t have much in the way of fires nearby, this morning my throat is sore with smoke and acrid taste. Also, breathing is somewhat shortened. Not good. Good for you for volunteering!

@Chuck — and everyone down there, or affected by fires, STAY SAFE!

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