I got word this afternoon from my ex-wife Jennifer that Che, our cat, died. He was about 10 years old. His spleen was enlarged and he went into shock, then there was nothing that could be done for him. Sad.
This is a sad sad thing. He was a good boy, a good cat, and he will be missed.
He really was a fun, happy, fun cat.
I’m not sure where my spiritual beliefs place “cat heaven” — but he was loved and will be remembered, so even now he lives on at least in our hearts.
More photos of him moved over to flickr.
thirteen comments...
xo baby.
aw man!
that makes me very sad 🙁
Thanks leah and e. He will be missed.
I’m sorry, Joe. Paul & I just lost our dog a couple weeks ago and know how hard it is to lose these dear ones. I never got to meet Che – but always thought he was the most handsome and sweet looking boy.
Yeah, he sure was. Thanks Janece.
My condolences on the loss of your Che. And of COURSE he’s in Heaven. If my dog isn’t in Heaven when I get there, I’m gonna raise SUCH a stink.
Awwww…. makes me so sad. Cats are cool, and Che looks like he was one cool cat. And of course animals go to heaven…. Anyone who has had pets knows they have a soul, probably more of a soul than some people I know!! 🙂
(((sending hugs to you from one pet-lover to another)))
A slideshow of the Gato is now up if anyone would like to see it. It is best viewed with Internet Explorer. He was indeed handsome and cool and was loved by all. He was my bestfriend and I miss him terribly.
Very sorry to hear about your loss. Virtual hugs and puppy licks.
Thanks Tom, Jenn, Susan, Chuck, Pongo. And Jennifer, thanks for passing along the Gato slideshow. Nice shots and some real fun in there.
I’m so sorry Joe. I know that the Che must have been with Jen, but it held a special place in your heart. The good memories are the ones that get me through. Even though I lost my family pet 9 years ago I still find myself becoming mornful at times when I miss her so. My heart goes ou tto you.
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