Joe Crawford
Web developer & user interface engineer
Tinkering with the web since 1996

email: · twitter: @artlung
San Diego, California, USA

14 Years of ArtLung Blog.

The first post to this blog was made on February 19, 2001. Here it is.

In those 14 years I’ve had quite a few different things happen. A divorce. A bankruptcy which I didn’t write about but alluded to the possibility of. A marriage and becoming a stepdad. I lost my Grandfather. Mother. Grandmother. I became a Godfather to Zac. I became an uncle. I became a Godfather to Archer. I became a grandfather myself recently. Stepgrandfather, but the fact remains, I’m grand.

I’ve had innumerable jobs which I’ve been too prudent to gossip about lest I get dooced.

It remains a good life. Sadness and despair and tragedy abound. But there’s also success and happiness and beautiful people and toy robots.

Also drawing, dude. drawing always.

three comments so far...

Congratulations! You’ve worked through a lot of trials and tribulations in the last 14 years. Glad you shared it with us.

Congrats on keeping it going this long, and thanks for putting in all the effort it took to reach the milestone. Looking forward to seeing where you go from here.

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