May 2019 Thirty-one posts
Inspiring talk this morning by @rizzhel.javier this morning at @creativemornings_sd — my #sketchnotes on her passionate exhortation to “tell your story” and how she inspires others as an educator and an artist in #sandiego—her projects include @bridge_org @peopleandplacesproject @theajaproject @littlesaigonstories @reelvoices — so much excellent stuff I vibe with—multiple identities, being a military brat, having your dad be gone a lot, feeling connected to artifacts and photos and letters. I’m so glad I attended this morning. #representation #pinoy #tellyourstory
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CAUTION head walking. Thank you for your cooperation.
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Fort Rosecrans looks down upon North Island, Coronado, and San Diego’s downtown.
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- House of Blues San Diego (Elle King: Shake the Spirit Tour (Concert))
- The Owl Drug Company
Sunset Cliffs with Kelly today.
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Experimenting with coloring my Machinder Gato Gigantica! Hooray @Procreate
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Verbatim Books I love.
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Good job, AmVets team 🇺🇸
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If I can drive 80 miles and then draw I will do it. #spillsantaana (from Thursday)
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@chrisgreazel drawing up a storm at #spillsantaana last night — organized by @radixrisingcreative #inkanddrink #projectdaedalus #drawing #drinkanddraw
Muertita de las Estrellas y del Sagrado Corazón (inspired by @krisztianna) #drinkanddraw #spillsantaana #spillinkanddrink