Gosh, that Kynn is busy. He’s fact-checking the North County Times (NCTimes.com) / KOGO / Pro-troops misinformation (Kynn paints it as malpheasance, I’d say it sounds more like lazy reporters who should know better). Also check his Local War News Roundup.
Other Obligatory War Links
- Cheney is still paid by Pentagon contractor
- Risks of Iraqi war emerging
- How To Take Back America
- Ari, yesterday the U.S. decided to grant one of Haliburton’s subsidiaries the contract to put out the oil well fires. And I’m wondering, given that you’ve known that for months and months in advance that there could be the possibility of oil well fires, why was there not a bid put out to bid on contracts, and was this given without any bidding?
- Grange: Iraqis fight with ‘economy of force’
- Who Lied To Whom: Why did the Administration endorse a forgery about Iraq’s nuclear program?
- Rumsfeld strategy may hit US opinion
- “Too many videogames, I think”
That’s enough of that.