June 2022 Thirty-five posts
“And if you’re partial to the night sky / if you’re vaguely attracted to rooftops …”
zephyr in the sky at night I wonder
Waterman roboteering area of the apartment.
My sister refers to me a “scavenger” because when I find things on the beach, on the street, in a dumpster, wherever, I tend to consider keeping them. Plastic toys, a heavy ceramic parrot, an Arabian airlines pencil case, beach toys, whatever. One way I know I am dating the right woman because she found this on the beach late one night and gave it to me for my collection. Thank you @hellokellykuhl!
a bit tired. small waves with long waits between sets. mini slash from a stingray to my right ankle. no venom I don’t think. pancakes surely will help me heal. the world is a mess but I am lucky.
I like this photo because it’s like “Where’s Gwen?”—missing is a little red and white striped outfit—it was foolhardy to take dogs to Escondido in the heat of the day but it was a fun adventure and we were all exhausted after.
Daisy at Queen Califa’s.
A dogsitting overnight started with a very nice beach walk. Daisy and Gwen may be two of the most different dogs ever.
I started cramping after 15 minutes. Post vaccine fatigue I think. It’s weird to understand my body. Finished after half an hour and one last long ride.
Badged. Ready for the Con.