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«ArtLung» is a website that belongs to Joe Crawford, a maker of things.
Do people still put up warnings about being under construction?
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I had no idea a photo of this existed, let alone that I’d see it. This rather culturally insensitive costume of a “Hare Krishna” I did one Halloween and wore to high school. Note the orange linen fabric I had to buy (and which now is part of a blanket Leah made if I remember right). Note the bald cap (purchased) and the long braid of hair (borrowed from my Aunt Jacqui who had it removed prior to surgery when she had a terrible surfing accident several years before, that “Sister Golden Hair Surprise” hair was BEAUTIFUL). I’m rather proud of the costume though I think the bald cap is a weak link. I wouldn’t shave my head for another 30 years (when I was Kingpin for Comic-Con). I probably won’t shave my head for a costume again though I’ve learned never to say never. Hooray family albums! They allow us to revisit memories we’d otherwise forget.
The shuttle bus from Concourse C is filmed over with layers of salt and ice. The salt and ice remind me how cold it is, how cold it always is, how cold it will remain. My Mr. Rogers cardigan is slim protection from the frostbite I’d endure were I to be caught outside for longer than it takes for a shuttle bus to leave and arrive.
Chicago’s weather terrifies me.
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In 2016 for Halloween I created a unique costume for work – I went as the Slacker Mobile App! It was pretty fun. Here’s the template I made to print large:
Here’s the PDF of that
I mounted the printed images onto a Tri-Fold Corrugate Display Board – I think it was 36in. x 48in, in black. It turned out pretty great!
____________________________ may be defined as a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.
So there’s this open letter right now on regarding Google AMP. AMP is well intentioned but a terrible solution to the problem of page bloat on the web and optimizing pages for mobile. I’ve been tweeting about this for a long time, but have somehow not blogged about it. Well, I’m signing onto the open letter because I feel AMP is harmful.
AMP is a BLIGHT. A cure worse than the disease of BLOAT. And facilitates fake news. cc: @Pinboard @dannysullivan @ftrain @paul_irish @ppk
— Joe Crawford (@artlung) November 16, 2016
AMP AMPLIFIES fake news. gives "google" domain sheen when cached. BLIGHT.
— Joe Crawford (@artlung) December 7, 2016
We must pressure more sites to dump AMP. AMPlifies fake news by masking sources. Worse than bloated sites.
— Joe Crawford (@artlung) December 12, 2016
I submit to you that the cure of AMP is worse than the disease of endemic page bloat. Side effects numerous.
— Joe Crawford (@artlung) December 16, 2016
Great piece. AMP is WML. What was had utility inside the tight band it operated in, but a WWW detour.
— Joe Crawford (@artlung) March 7, 2017
Back in 2016 I attended a terrific session of the San Diego Code Kitchen at FAB LAB San Diego. It was really a lot of fun and in a few hours I was able to create an inscrutable twitter bot – @ventcheck. It was fun!
I didn’t write about it here because… well… who blogged in 2016? Well, nobody blogs in 2018 either but here we are.
How’d I do it?
I used, which was what was recommended by the Code Kitchen folks. They set up a GitHub project: Twitterbots! the participants followed along with. The language used on cheapbotsdonequick is called Tracery which is a cute as heck little language.
You can view the source code of the bot at which gives you a sense of just how dumb, and how smart the bot is. I’ve had it running for several years every morning. And every morning at about 5am. I think mostly people’s reactions are… “wha?” … and “huh?” — I always have enjoyed them and their random dadaist silliness but it’s time to ratchet downward a bit. I just set it up to run monthly instead. Maybe I’ll do something different with the bot since it’s run for so long and not gone amazingly viral. Heh.
Here’s the source code for the bot as of now:
{ "adjectives" : ["aback", "abaft", "abandoned", "abashed", "aberrant", "abhorrent", "abiding", "abject", "ablaze", "abnormal", "aboard", "aboriginal", "abortive", "abounding", "abrasive", "abrupt", "absent", "absorbed", "absorbing", "abstracted", "absurd", "abusive", "acceptable", "accessible", "accidental", "accurate", "acoustic", "acrid", "actually", "ad", "hoc", "adamant", "adaptable", "addicted", "adhesive", "adjoining", "adorable", "afraid", "agonizing", "ahead", "alcoholic", "alert", "alike", "alive", "alleged", "alluring", "aloof", "ambiguous", "ambitious", "amuck", "ancient", "animated", "apathetic", "aquatic", "aromatic", "aspiring", "assorted", "astonishing", "auspicious", "available", "average", "aware", "axiomatic", "bad", "barbarous", "bashful", "bawdy", "beautiful", "befitting", "belligerent", "berserk", "better", "big", "billowy", "bizarre", "black", "boiling", "boorish", "boring", "boundless", "brash", "brawny", "breezy", "brief", "bright", "broad", "broken", "bumpy", "burly", "cagey", "callous", "capable", "capricious", "ceaseless", "changeable", "cheerful", "childlike", "chilly", "chivalrous", "chubby", "chunky", "clammy", "classy", "cloistered", "cloudy", "clumsy", "coherent", "cold", "colossal", "combative", "comfortable", "cooing", "cool", "cooperative", "courageous", "cowardly", "crabby", "craven", "crazy", "credible", "creepy", "crooked", "cuddly", "cultured", "curly", "curved", "cynical", "daffy", "daily", "damaged", "damaging", "damp", "dapper", "dashing", "dazzling", "deadpan", "debonair", "decisive", "decorous", "deep", "deeply", "defective", "delightful", "demonic", "deranged", "deserted", "detailed", "determined", "devilish", "didactic", "diligent", "direful", "dirty", "disagreeable", "discreet", "disillusioned", "dispensable", "divergent", "dizzy", "domineering", "draconian", "dramatic", "drunk", "dry", "dull", "dusty", "dynamic", "dysfunctional", "eager", "early", "earsplitting", "earthy", "eatable", "economic", "educated", "efficacious", "efficient", "elated", "elderly", "elfin", "elite", "eminent", "empty", "enchanting", "encouraging", "endurable", "energetic", "entertaining", "enthusiastic", "equable", "erect", "erratic", "ethereal", "evanescent", "evasive", "evil", "excellent", "excited", "exclusive", "exotic", "expensive", "exuberant", "exultant", "fabulous", "faded", "fallacious", "fanatical", "fancy", "fantastic", "fascinated", "fast", "fat", "faulty", "fearless", "feigned", "fertile", "festive", "filthy", "finicky", "flagrant", "flashy", "flawless", "flippant", "flowery", "foamy", "foregoing", "forgetful", "fortunate", "frail", "fretful", "friendly", "functional", "funny", "furtive", "futuristic", "gabby", "gainful", "gamy", "gaping", "garrulous", "gaudy", "gentle", "giant", "giddy", "gigantic", "glamorous", "gleaming", "glib", "glorious", "glossy", "godly", "good", "goofy", "gorgeous", "graceful", "grandiose", "gratis", "great", "greedy", "green", "groovy", "grotesque", "grouchy", "gruesome", "grumpy", "guarded", "guiltless", "gullible", "gusty", "guttural", "habitual", "half", "hallowed", "halting", "handsome", "handsomely", "hapless", "happy", "harmonious", "heady", "healthy", "heartbreaking", "heavenly", "heavy", "hellish", "helpful", "hesitant", "high", "highfalutin", "hilarious", "historical", "holistic", "hollow", "honorable", "horrible", "hospitable", "huge", "hulking", "humdrum", "humorous", "hungry", "hurried", "hurt", "hypnotic", "hysterical", "icky", "idiotic", "ignorant", "illegal", "illustrious", "imaginary", "immense", "imminent", "impartial", "imperfect", "imported", "incandescent", "incompetent", "inconclusive", "industrious", "innate", "instinctive", "internal", "invincible", "irate", "itchy", "jaded", "jagged", "jazzy", "jealous", "jittery", "jobless", "jolly", "joyous", "judicious", "jumbled", "jumpy", "juvenile", "kaput", "kind", "kindhearted", "knotty", "knowing", "knowledgeable", "known", "labored", "lackadaisical", "lacking", "lamentable", "languid", "large", "late", "laughable", "lavish", "lazy", "lean", "learned", "legal", "lethal", "level", "lewd", "light", "likeable", "literate", "little", "lively", "long", "longing", "lopsided", "loutish", "lovely", "loving", "low", "lowly", "lucky", "ludicrous", "lush", "luxuriant", "lying", "lyrical", "macabre", "macho", "maddening", "madly", "magenta", "magical", "magnificent", "majestic", "makeshift", "malicious", "mammoth", "maniacal", "many", "marked", "massive", "materialistic", "mature", "measly", "meek", "melodic", "merciful", "mere", "mighty", "mindless", "miniature", "minor", "miscreant", "moaning", "modern", "moldy", "momentous", "muddled", "mundane", "murky", "mushy", "mysterious", "naive", "nappy", "narrow", "nasty", "nauseating", "nebulous", "needless", "needy", "neighborly", "nervous", "new", "nice", "nifty", "noiseless", "noisy", "nonchalant", "nondescript", "nonstop", "nostalgic", "nosy", "noxious", "null", "numberless", "numerous", "nutritious", "oafish", "obedient", "obeisant", "obscene", "obsequious", "observant", "obsolete", "obtainable", "oceanic", "odd", "offbeat", "old", "omniscient", "onerous", "optimal", "orange", "ordinary", "organic", "ossified", "oval", "overconfident", "overjoyed", "overrated", "overt", "overwrought", "painful", "painstaking", "panoramic", "parched", "parsimonious", "pastoral", "pathetic", "peaceful", "penitent", "perfect", "periodic", "permissible", "perpetual", "petite", "phobic", "picayune", "piquant", "placid", "plant", "plant", "plausible", "pleasant", "plucky", "pointless", "political", "possessive", "precious", "premium", "pretty", "prickly", "productive", "profuse", "protective", "proud", "psychedelic", "psychotic", "puffy", "pumped", "puny", "purple", "quack", "quaint", "quarrelsome", "questionable", "quick", "quickest", "quiet", "quixotic", "quizzical", "rabid", "racial", "ragged", "rainy", "rambunctious", "rampant", "rare", "raspy", "ratty", "rebel", "receptive", "recondite", "red", "redundant", "reflective", "relieved", "reminiscent", "resolute", "resonant", "rhetorical", "righteous", "rightful", "ritzy", "roasted", "robust", "romantic", "roomy", "round", "royal", "ruddy", "rural", "rustic", "ruthless", "sable", "sad", "sassy", "satisfying", "savoy", "scandalous", "scarce", "scary", "scientific", "scintillating", "scrawny", "secretive", "sedate", "seemly", "selective", "shallow", "shocking", "short", "shrill", "silly", "sincere", "skillful", "skinny", "sloppy", "slow", "small", "smelly", "sneaky", "snobbish", "snotty", "soggy", "somber", "sordid", "spectacular", "spicy", "spiffy", "spiritual", "splendid", "spooky", "spurious", "squalid", "square", "squeamish", "staking", "standing", "statuesque", "steadfast", "stereotyped", "stimulating", "stingy", "strange", "subdued", "subsequent", "successful", "succinct", "sulky", "supreme", "swanky", "sweltering", "symptomatic", "synonymous", "taboo", "tacit", "tacky", "talented", "tall", "tame", "tan", "tangible", "tangy", "tart", "tasteful", "tawdry", "tearful", "telling", "temporary", "tender", "tenuous", "tested", "testy", "therapeutic", "thinkable", "threatening", "tight", "tightfisted", "tiny", "tiresome", "toothsome", "torpid", "tough", "towering", "tranquil", "trashy", "tricky", "trite", "truculent", "typical", "ubiquitous", "ugliest", "ugly", "ultra", "unable", "unaccountable", "unadvised", "unarmed", "unbecoming", "unbiased", "uncovered", "understood", "undesirable", "unequaled", "uneven", "unsightly", "unsuitable", "unusual", "upbeat", "uppity", "upset", "uptight", "used", "utopian", "utter", "uttermost", "vacuous", "vagabond", "vague", "various", "vast", "vengeful", "venomous", "verdant", "versed", "victorious", "vigorous", "vivacious", "voiceless", "volatile", "voracious", "vulgar", "wacky", "waggish", "wakeful", "wanting", "warlike", "warm", "wary", "wasteful", "wasteful", "watchful", "watery", "weak", "wealthy", "weary", "wee", "wet", "whimsical", "whispering", "wholesale", "wicked", "wide", "willing", "wiry", "wise", "wistful", "woebegone", "womanly", "wonderful", "wooden", "woozy", "workable", "worried", "worthless", "wrathful", "wretched", "wry", "x-rated", "yellow", "yielding", "young", "youthful", "yummy", "zany", "zealous", "zippy", "zonked"], "nouns": ["times", "persons", "years", "ways", "days", "things", "men", "worlds", "lives", "hands", "parts", "children", "eyes", "women", "places", "works", "weeks", "cases", "points", "governments", "companies", "numbers", "groups", "problems", "facts"], "setPronouns": ["[heroThey:they][heroThem:them][heroTheir:their][heroTheirs: theirs]", "[heroThey:she][heroThem:her][heroTheir:her][heroTheirs:hers]", "[heroThey:he][heroThem:him][heroTheir:his][heroTheirs:his]"], "verbs": ["have a fight with", "do craft beer with", "eat some tasty tacos alongside", "sleep soundly in the same bed as", "drink craft beer with", "put out guacamole for", "keep out", "run along the water and ignorning", "walk dolefully", "say the niceset things", "get excited about the Chargers leaving with", "make bad craft beer with", "go to the brewery with", "tell about @sdbloodbank to", "take off their swimsuits in front of", "see @SanDiegoChicken with", "come to the airport with", "think bad thoughts with", "look alive with", "want to chill with", "give a hard time to", "use magic potions playing D&D with", "find a twenty with", "work out with", "feel good with", "try out @PhilsBBQSD with", "leave", "call b.s. on"], "collectives": ["a badling of ducks", "a bale of turtles", "a band of jays", "a bank of monitors", "a bank of swans", "a bask of crocodiles", "a bazaar of guillemots", "a bed of clams", "a bed of oysters", "a bed of snakes", "a bellowing of bullfinches", "a bevy of larks", "a bevy of quail", "a bevy of swans", "a bevy of turtles", "a bind of salmon", "a blaze of dragons", "a bouquet of flowers", "a bouquet of pheasants", "a brood of hens", "a building of rooks", "a bunch of grapes", "a cast of falcons", "a cast of hawks", "a charm of finches", "a charm of goldfinches", "a charm of hummingbirds", "a chirm of goldfinches", "a clamour of rooks", "a clattering of choughs", "a clattering of jackdaws", "a cloud of gnats", "a cloud of grasshoppers", "a cloud of sea fowl", "a cluster of grapes", "a cluster of spiders", "a clutch of chicks", "a coil of wigeon", "a colony of ants", "a colony of frogs", "a colony of gulls", "a colony of penguins", "a company of parrots", "a congregation of alligators", "a congregation of crocodiles", "a congregation of plovers", "a congress of eagles", "a conventicle of magpies", "a convocation of eagles", "a copse of trees", "a covert of coots", "a covey of birds", "a covey of grouse", "a covey of partridges", "a covey of pheasants", "a covey of ptarmigans", "a covey of quail", "a creche of penguins", "a creep of tortoises", "a culture of bacteria", "a den of snakes", "a den of vipers", "a descent of woodpeckers", "a desert of lapwings", "a dissimulation of birds", "a diving of teal", "a doading of sheldrakes", "a dole of doves", "a dopping of ducks", "a dose of crabs", "a drum of goldfinches", "a dule of turtles", "a fall of woodcocks", "a fever of stingrays", "a flamboyance of flamingoes", "a fleet of mudhen", "a flight of butterflies", "a flight of cormorants", "a flight of doves", "a flight of dragons", "a flight of goshawks", "a flight of swallows", "a fling of dunlins", "a fling of sandpipers", "a float of crocodiles", "a flock of birds", "a flock of geese", "a flock of seagulls", "a flush of ducks", "a fluther of jellyfish", "a flutter of butterflies", "a fry of eel", "a gaggle of geese", "a gaggle of swans", "a gargle of swans", "a glean of herrings", "a grind of blackfish", "a grove of trees", "a hand of bananas", "a herd of cranes", "a herd of curlews", "a herd of swans", "a herd of wrens", "a hill of ruffs", "a hive of bees", "a horde of crows", "a host of sparrows", "a hover of crows", "a hover of trouts", "a huddle of penguins", "a kettle of hawks", "a kit of pigeons", "a knob of toads", "a knob of waterfowl", "a knot of frogs", "a knot of toads", "a knot of worms", "a lap of cod", "a lease of tame hawks", "a lek of grouse", "a loft of pigeons", "a loveliness of ladybirds", "a lump of toads", "a mess of iguanas", "a mews of capons", "a mite of mites", "a mob of crows", "a murder of crows", "a murmuration of starlings", "a muster of crows", "a muster of peacocks", "a muster of storks", "a mutation of thrushes", "a nest of crocodiles", "a nest of snakes", "a nest of toads", "a nest of turtles", "a nest of vipers", "a nide of geese", "a nide of pheasants", "a nye of pheasants", "a pack of galahs", "a pack of grouse", "a paddling of ducks", "a pandemonium of parrots", "a parcel of crows", "a parcel of penguins", "a parliament of crows", "a parliament of owls", "a parliament of rooks", "a party of jays", "a patch of flowers", "a peep of chickens", "a phalanx of storks", "a pile of leaves", "a pit of snakes", "a piteousness of doves", "a pitying of doves", "a pitying of turtledoves", "a plague of locusts", "a plague of pigeons", "a plump of ducks", "a plump of geese", "a plump of waterfowl", "a pod of whales", "a prattle of parrots", "a pride of peacocks", "a quarrel of sparrows", "a quiver of cobras", "a raffle of turkeys", "a raft of auks", "a raft of coots", "a raft of ducks", "a rafter of turkeys", "a rainbow of butterflies", "a rasp of guinea fowl", "a rhumba of rattlesnakes", "a richness of martins", "a risk of lobsters", "a rout of snail", "a school of fish", "a scold of jays", "a scourge of mosquitoes", "a screech of gulls", "a shiver of sharks", "a shoal of bass", "a siege of bitterns", "a siege of herons", "a skein of geese", "a slither of snakes", "a smack of jellyfish", "a sord of ducks", "a sord of mallards", "a spring of teal", "a stand of flamingoes", "a stand of trees", "a stare of owls", "a sute of mallards", "a swarm of ants", "a swarm of bees", "a swarm of eel", "a swarm of flies", "a taint of tilapia", "a team of ducks", "a thicket of trees", "a tidings of magpies", "a train of jackdaws", "a trembing of finches", "a trimming of finches", "a trip of dotterel", "a troubling of goldfinches", "a troubling of goldfish", "a troup of shrimp", "a turn of turtles", "a twack of ducks", "a ubiquity of sparrows", "a wake of buzzards", "a walk of snipe", "a watch of nightingales", "a wedge of geese", "a wedge of swans", "a weyr of dragons", "a whiteness of swans", "a wing of dragons", "a wisp of snipe", "an army of ants", "an army of frogs", "an exaltation of larks", "an exalting of larks", "an exultation of skylarks", "an eyrar of swans", "an intrusion of cockroaches", "an ostentation of peacocks", "an unkindness of ravens"], "collectivesWithAdjectives":["a badling of #adjectives# ducks", "a bale of #adjectives# turtles", "a band of #adjectives# jays", "a bank of #adjectives# monitors", "a bank of #adjectives# swans", "a bask of #adjectives# crocodiles", "a bazaar of #adjectives# guillemots", "a bed of #adjectives# clams", "a bed of #adjectives# oysters", "a bed of #adjectives# snakes", "a bellowing of #adjectives# bullfinches", "a bevy of #adjectives# larks", "a bevy of #adjectives# quail", "a bevy of #adjectives# swans", "a bevy of #adjectives# turtles", "a bind of #adjectives# salmon", "a blaze of #adjectives# dragons", "a bouquet of #adjectives# flowers", "a bouquet of #adjectives# pheasants", "a brood of #adjectives# hens", "a building of #adjectives# rooks", "a bunch of #adjectives# grapes", "a cast of #adjectives# falcons", "a cast of #adjectives# hawks", "a charm of #adjectives# finches", "a charm of #adjectives# goldfinches", "a charm of #adjectives# hummingbirds", "a chirm of #adjectives# goldfinches", "a clamour of #adjectives# rooks", "a clattering of #adjectives# choughs", "a clattering of #adjectives# jackdaws", "a cloud of #adjectives# gnats", "a cloud of #adjectives# grasshoppers", "a cloud of sea #adjectives# fowl", "a cluster of #adjectives# grapes", "a cluster of #adjectives# spiders", "a clutch of #adjectives# chicks", "a coil of #adjectives# wigeon", "a colony of #adjectives# ants", "a colony of #adjectives# frogs", "a colony of #adjectives# gulls", "a colony of #adjectives# penguins", "a company of #adjectives# parrots", "a congregation of #adjectives# alligators", "a congregation of #adjectives# crocodiles", "a congregation of #adjectives# plovers", "a congress of #adjectives# eagles", "a conventicle of #adjectives# magpies", "a convocation of #adjectives# eagles", "a copse of #adjectives# trees", "a covert of #adjectives# coots", "a covey of #adjectives# birds", "a covey of #adjectives# grouse", "a covey of #adjectives# partridges", "a covey of #adjectives# pheasants", "a covey of #adjectives# ptarmigans", "a covey of #adjectives# quail", "a creche of #adjectives# penguins", "a creep of #adjectives# tortoises", "a culture of #adjectives# bacteria", "a den of #adjectives# snakes", "a den of #adjectives# vipers", "a descent of #adjectives# woodpeckers", "a desert of #adjectives# lapwings", "a dissimulation of #adjectives# birds", "a diving of #adjectives# teal", "a doading of #adjectives# sheldrakes", "a dole of #adjectives# doves", "a dopping of #adjectives# ducks", "a dose of #adjectives# crabs", "a drum of #adjectives# goldfinches", "a dule of #adjectives# turtles", "a fall of #adjectives# woodcocks", "a fever of #adjectives# stingrays", "a flamboyance of #adjectives# flamingoes", "a fleet of #adjectives# mudhen", "a flight of #adjectives# butterflies", "a flight of #adjectives# cormorants", "a flight of #adjectives# doves", "a flight of #adjectives# dragons", "a flight of #adjectives# goshawks", "a flight of #adjectives# swallows", "a fling of #adjectives# dunlins", "a fling of #adjectives# sandpipers", "a float of #adjectives# crocodiles", "a flock of #adjectives# birds", "a flock of #adjectives# geese", "a flock of #adjectives# seagulls", "a flush of #adjectives# ducks", "a fluther of #adjectives# jellyfish", "a flutter of #adjectives# butterflies", "a fry of #adjectives# eel", "a gaggle of #adjectives# geese", "a gaggle of #adjectives# swans", "a gargle of #adjectives# swans", "a glean of #adjectives# herrings", "a grind of #adjectives# blackfish", "a grove of #adjectives# trees", "a hand of #adjectives# bananas", "a herd of #adjectives# cranes", "a herd of #adjectives# curlews", "a herd of #adjectives# swans", "a herd of #adjectives# wrens", "a hill of #adjectives# ruffs", "a hive of #adjectives# bees", "a horde of #adjectives# crows", "a host of #adjectives# sparrows", "a hover of #adjectives# crows", "a hover of #adjectives# trouts", "a huddle of #adjectives# penguins", "a kettle of #adjectives# hawks", "a kit of #adjectives# pigeons", "a knob of #adjectives# toads", "a knob of #adjectives# waterfowl", "a knot of #adjectives# frogs", "a knot of #adjectives# toads", "a knot of #adjectives# worms", "a lap of #adjectives# cod", "a lease of tame #adjectives# hawks", "a lek of 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"a rhumba of #adjectives# rattlesnakes", "a richness of #adjectives# martins", "a risk of #adjectives# lobsters", "a rout of #adjectives# snail", "a school of #adjectives# fish", "a scold of #adjectives# jays", "a scourge of #adjectives# mosquitoes", "a screech of #adjectives# gulls", "a shiver of #adjectives# sharks", "a shoal of #adjectives# bass", "a siege of #adjectives# bitterns", "a siege of #adjectives# herons", "a skein of #adjectives# geese", "a slither of #adjectives# snakes", "a smack of #adjectives# jellyfish", "a sord of #adjectives# ducks", "a sord of #adjectives# mallards", "a spring of #adjectives# teal", "a stand of #adjectives# flamingoes", "a stand of #adjectives# trees", "a stare of #adjectives# owls", "a sute of #adjectives# mallards", "a swarm of #adjectives# ants", "a swarm of #adjectives# bees", "a swarm of #adjectives# eel", "a swarm of #adjectives# flies", "a taint of #adjectives# tilapia", "a team of #adjectives# ducks", "a thicket of #adjectives# trees", "a 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"rhumba of #adjectives# rattlesnakes", "richness of #adjectives# martins", "risk of #adjectives# lobsters", "rout of #adjectives# snail", "school of #adjectives# fish", "scold of #adjectives# jays", "scourge of #adjectives# mosquitoes", "screech of #adjectives# gulls", "shiver of #adjectives# sharks", "shoal of #adjectives# bass", "siege of #adjectives# bitterns", "siege of #adjectives# herons", "skein of #adjectives# geese", "slither of #adjectives# snakes", "smack of #adjectives# jellyfish", "sord of #adjectives# ducks", "sord of #adjectives# mallards", "spring of #adjectives# teal", "stand of #adjectives# flamingoes", "stand of #adjectives# trees", "stare of #adjectives# owls", "sute of #adjectives# mallards", "swarm of #adjectives# ants", "swarm of #adjectives# bees", "swarm of #adjectives# eel", "swarm of #adjectives# flies", "taint of #adjectives# tilapia", "team of #adjectives# ducks", "thicket of #adjectives# trees", "tidings of #adjectives# magpies", "train of #adjectives# jackdaws", "trembing of #adjectives# finches", "trimming of #adjectives# finches", "trip of #adjectives# dotterel", "troubling of #adjectives# goldfinches", "troubling of #adjectives# goldfish", "troup of #adjectives# shrimp", "turn of #adjectives# turtles", "twack of #adjectives# ducks", "ubiquity of #adjectives# sparrows", "wake of #adjectives# buzzards", "walk of #adjectives# snipe", "watch of #adjectives# nightingales", "wedge of #adjectives# geese", "wedge of #adjectives# swans", "weyr of #adjectives# dragons", "whiteness of #adjectives# swans", "wing of #adjectives# dragons", "wisp of #adjectives# snipe", "army of #adjectives# ants", "army of #adjectives# frogs", "exaltation of #adjectives# larks", "exalting of #adjectives# larks", "exultation of #adjectives# skylarks", "eyrar of #adjectives# swans", "intrusion of #adjectives# cockroaches", "ostentation of #adjectives# peacocks", "unkindness of #adjectives# ravens"], "place": ["Barrio Logan", "Black Mountain Ranch", "Carmel Mountain Ranch", "Carmel Valley", "City Heights", "Clairemont Mesa", "College Area", "Del Mar Mesa", "Downtown Centre City", "East Elliott", "Eastern Areas", "Encanto", "Fairbanks Ranch Country Club", "Greater Golden Hill", "Kearny Mesa", "Kensington", "Talmadge", "La Jolla", "Linda Vista", "Midway Pacific Highway", "Miramar Ranch North", "Mira Mesa", "Mission Beach", "Mission Valley", "Normal Heights", "North Park", "Ocean Beach", "Old Town San Diego", "Otay Mesa", "Pacific Beach", "Pacific Highlands Ranch", "Peninsula", "Rancho Bernardo", "Rancho Encantada", "Rancho Peñasquitos", "Sabre Springs", "San Pasqual Valley", "San Ysidro", "Scripps Miramar Ranch", "Serra Mesa", "Skyline Paradise Hills", "Southeastern San Diego", "Tierrasanta", "Tijuana River Valley", "Torrey Highlands", "Torrey Hills", "Torrey Pines", "University", "Uptown San Diego", "Via de la Valle", "Solana Beach"], "origin": ["#collectivesWithAdjectivesNoAAn.a.capitalize# #verbs# #collectivesWithAdjectives# in \\##place.replace( ,)#! \\#SanDiego"] }
from Instagram
from Instagram