- The Elements of User Experience by Jesse James Garrett looks to be a good book (via Kottke)
- Piles (something possibly for OS X) via Sassy
- How the Mosaic browser triggered a digital revolution
- Christina Aguilera, in a horrible pink dress
- Christina Aguilera as a brunette! (beware the popups and spyware installers!)
- Philip Greenspun has a blog! (remind me to add to my sidebar)
- Bob Sturm has a blog! (remind me to add to my sidebar)
- US Marine Slang
- Mailing And Posting Etiquette (remind me to add this to Administrativa
- Wirelessly Networking (AirPort, Wi-Fi, 802.11b, WLAN) a PowerBook 5300, 1400, 2400, 3400, or G3 With Mac OS 7.5 through 9.2: Step By Step
- New The Hulk Trailer I can’t decide whether I like it or it looks cheesy
- Designer in Action: Pixel Fonts
- Open Source Font from Bitstream: Vera
- SARS: Panic or plague? Misinformation spreads even faster than the virus itself
- Do you trust Microsoft? Three-fourths of software security experts at major companies do not believe Microsoft’s products are secure, according to a new survey from Forrester Research
- Motley Fool on Apple/Vivendi Universal Music Group – posting that it would be great for both companies, and more, great for consumers (that’s us)
- Temecula Charity Turns Away Free Food because it’s from a French Company STUPID STUPID STUPID
- SPEAKING OF.. Deborah Wolfe, a Canadian citizen who was just breast-feeding her son and changing his diaper while en route between Houston and Vancouver, says her “subversive” actions led to her being threatened with detainment, RCMP (Royal Canadian Mountain Police) involvement and legal charges for terrorist action against a U.S. citizen in international airspace while on an American flight during a time of war: Breast-feeding in a time of war
- So who really did save Private Jessica?
- A recent Washington Post article describing the killing of civilians by U.S. soldiers at a checkpoint outside the Iraqi town of Najaf proved that “embedded” journalists do have the ability to report on war in all its horror. But the rejection by some U.S. outlets of Post correspondent William Branigin’s eyewitness account in favor of the Pentagon’s sanitized version suggests that some journalists prefer not to report the harsh reality of war. See Official Story Vs. Eyewitness Account: On Najaf killings, some outlets seem to prefer the sanitized version