- Critical article on the still-years-away Longhorn
- This is the best country in the world. – Noam Chomsky
- FIRE: Foundation for Individual Rights In Education – defending liberty on campus
- Num1000 is a fun piece of Japanese inscrutability
- Mac Eye for the Windows Guy
- Fox media bias
- I really like it when bands have all their lyrics on their sites. I like being able to search for “kid charlemagne site:steelydan.com” or “boomin’ granny site:beastieboys.com“
- Flowers mean things
- Why the middle class is going broke
- Dilbert on “employee of the ___”
- “Why do people hate Bush?” you ask. I hope you’re also asking “Why did people hate Clinton?”
- Al Quueda and Fires, from July 2003
- US Trials with no public records
- Who links to SanDiegoBloggers?
- Time for the end of the Oil Age
- Controlling debate by controlling language