Estimated travel data provided by Google Maps. Actual result data provided by Joe and Leah.

Glendale (91203) to Clairemont (92117)

Estimated Travel Data:
Distance: 122 miles
Estimated transit time: 2 hours 2 mins
Assumed average speed: 60 mph
Estimated transit time (in traffic): 3 hours 40 mins in traffic
Assumed average speed (in traffic): 33 mph

Actual Results:
Departure time: 2:30pm
Departure date: Friday, Summertime
Actual transit time: 4 hours 30 mins in traffic
Actual average speed: 27 mph

Clairemont (92117) to Moorpark (93021)

Estimated Travel Data:
Distance: 161 miles
Estimated transit time: 2 hours 41 minutes
Assumed average speed: 60 mph
Estimated transit time (in traffic): 4 hours 40 minutes in traffic
Assumed average speed (in traffic): 35 mph

Actual Results:
Departure time: 9:45pm
Departure date: Saturday, Summertime
Actual transit time: 2 hours 35 mins
Actual average speed: 62 mph

Comment: I think we have a clear winner. In future we’ll always leave very late and travel north. Logistically, this may prove to be a problem, but since it’s just an implementation detail we’ll not address it at this time.

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