Get your own website. on Tik Tok

I’ve been studying film in one way or another since I was a kid.

My first career was respiratory therapy.

My second career was to be “something in film.”

I have taken classes in tv production, broadcasting, film, screenwriting, visual effects.

On my way out from medicine to film, I went to The Web.

But I’m sensitive to the techniques of film. And when I watch. video, I can feel the way it is manipulating me.

In a fiction film, that can be great.

When everyone is streaming and making short videos to inform, I can feel the techniques and I find it deeply unpleasant.

So I never made a Tik Tok account. I could feel how much it would make me unhappy.

I have been happy to see some videos bubble out of there that inform, or are funny, or are creative.

But I could never be a user of it.

But a US legal ban of it does not make me happy. I would say that every aspect of the ban that just went into effect is a pointer. Each aspect points at a broken US government system.

I don’t have complete thoughts of this, but I will be cautious about how I think about this ban, and what might un-ban it, or how things go from here.

But I’ve never been more convinced that having a website that you control is important to communication in the 21st century.

I’m feeling doleful and disappointed.

It’s going to be a hard weird year.

Take care, and share your opinions to the world.

Learn what it takes to run your own website.

And I hope a complete picture of the cynical political and corporate pressures that created this new “Great Firewall” come to light.

And I hope that Tik Tok’s communications around this are also scrutinized as they toady to the incoming administration.

Get your own website.

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