July 7, 2003 Header

Et Cetera

That is what I said. And I’m not moving far. Downtown San Diego.

So to those of you far away, sorry, I’m not moving near you.

And to those of you who are not far away (aka close), I’m not leaving.

Finished re-reading Snow Crash a few minutes ago.

It’s a beautiful day.

Perhaps some basketball with my lady today.

A job offer to consider this weekend.

Saw fireworks last night with buds. Awesome.

Rode in the back of a jeep in the cool night air. Awesome.

Watched Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women yesterday. It was awful. Awesome.

Played fetch and tug-of-war with a dog this morning. Awesome.

This week I: cleaned the bathroom floor. And: cleaned the kitchen floor. I didn’t think it was possible.

Now Playing: Black Napkins from FZ:OZ

Today I’m doing nothing. Awesome.

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