Now here’s some local history I didn’t know: Report Claims Simi Valley Nuclear Meltdown Has Been Causing Cancer For Decades. How wild. This is not actually that close to us, I mean relatively. But I’ll be watching the news. Here are two articles on ye olde Wikipedia: Santa Susana Field Laboratory; Rocketdyne Santa Susana Field Laboratory Contamination.
Funny, on the radio yesterday NPR was talking about nuclear power.
I think nuclear may be the way to go, but then I also think nuclear power requires such quality management that our own governments don’t have the capacity to manage nuclear power.
two comments...
Thanks for the links to some nuclear history. These events are obscure enough that even some of us on the inside aren’t too well-informed about them. (Also, they are government stuff versus the private sector nukes we have now.)
If you’d like some perspective on nuke plants today, with entertaining qualities, see
that’s (without the last period)