On vox.com, they use a special xml namespace for their custom attributes: xmlns:at=”http://www.sixapart.com/ns/at”>
Cool! but http://www.sixapart.com/ns/at appears to be missing.
Maybe that’s just a placeholder?
On vox.com, they use a special xml namespace for their custom attributes: xmlns:at=”http://www.sixapart.com/ns/at”>
Cool! but http://www.sixapart.com/ns/at appears to be missing.
Maybe that’s just a placeholder?
two comments...
The URI part of a namespace does not _have_ to resolve to anything but as you know they typically do. I find it odd that they would not put something at that address if they are interested in others using their XML.
I agree Darren. Seems like an opportunity to show some documentation.
I haven’t seen much done with namespaces out on the web, but I was interested to see it used in some of the attributes of vox.com.