I know, why the heck would you have to do this? Well, here’s how you would do it:
< %
Option Explicit
‘ This redefines the “left” function
‘ Yes, it’s hard to defend this kind of
‘ overriding of native VBScript functions
Function Left(mystring,mynumber)
Left = Right(mystring,mynumber)
End Function
Dim sc, cmd
‘ This code is the way to get to the “real” old version
set sc = CreateObject(“MSScriptControl.ScriptControl”)
‘ set the language
sc.Language = “VBScript”
‘ what command do you want to call?
cmd = “Left(“”hello””,1)”
Response.Write Eval(cmd)
Response.Write “,”
Response.Write Left(“hello”, 1)
Response.Write “,”
‘ here we call the one that produces the right result
Response.Write sc.Eval(cmd)
three comments...
you never answered the question… why would you want to do this?
Because the codebase has 8 year old nuggets where mofos do stuff like rewrite the NumberFormat function, and if you want to get to the *actual* functionality of the NumberFormat function, you have to do this silly thing.
I like to think of it like function or operator overloading, but much, much stupider, because you lose the original functionality.
wow that is insanity! I am always amazed at the stuff people do.