I have had a last.fm account since 2005. Most of the music represented in here is from a long time ago. The only brand new additions on the list above are My Bloody Valentine and Blooper, who I first became aware of only in the last few months. I was scrobbling a lot in 2005, but basically dropped off. So, now, I work for Slacker Radio, which is a music service, and I was wondering if I could scrobble from it, and there’s a great Chrome extension. I added the modifications and have it working for me locally, but it takes time to put it into the public GitHub repository and eventually make it to the distribution.
two comments...
Mechanized music taste summation from last.fm:
Previously: https://artlung.com/blog/2013/02/10/scrobbling-with-last-fm/
[…] Previously: http://artlung.com/blog/2013/02/10/scrobbling-with-last-fm/ […]