October 2014 Forty-three posts
WALL-E deadlifting a banana. E-306 looks on admiringly.
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Pretty logotype.
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These are my chairs now. –Jojo
Combattler V and Giant Robo are pals.
I almost bought this ceramic pig just so every day I could make up a new theory about its’ origin. Almost.
Welcome Astro Boy (Tetsuwan Atomu or Mighty Atom) to my collection! Created by the great Osamu Tezuka in 1952, he’s got heart.
Pity this San Onofre Nuclear Plant Operations shirt did not fit. I suspect the embroidered twin reactor globes would have been great conversation starters.
This. Is. Happening.
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It’s been a fun week with superdeformed Mechagodzilla and Tetsujin-28. Who will be the desk robots next week?
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