10 YEARS MARRIED TO Leah as of December 21st this year.
Here’s what we sounded like a bit after we got married:
Because of this, we know where we actually got married: The Stained Glass Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Hey, Onward.
Joe Crawford
Web developer & user interface engineer
Tinkering with the web since 1996
email: joe@artlung.com · twitter: @artlung
San Diego, California, USA
aka joecrawford.com
10 YEARS MARRIED TO Leah as of December 21st this year.
Here’s what we sounded like a bit after we got married:
Because of this, we know where we actually got married: The Stained Glass Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Hey, Onward.
four comments...
You’re my favorite. <3 We sound giddy.
@leahpeah We were giddy. 🙂
I must say that the two of you together remain exceedingly adorable. Congratulations and well done.
Thanks Chris!