February 2020 Twenty-two posts
It’s New Bot Monday! Welcome to Twiki who hails from 1979 by way of the year 2491 on the tv show Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. He’s an “ambuquod” helper robot, carrying on his chest an artificial intelligence: Dr. Theopolis. Twiki is kinda funny, and was mostly voiced by Mel Blanc, famed Warner Bros cartoon actor.
The Great Leap, last night at Old Town/Cygnet Theatre Co., was great. I did in fact laugh and cry.
Peak Expatriate Kid. This is a not-happy smile. I want to tell my younger self: “the unease you’re feeling is your mind expanding to learn the world is unfair, but also magical. This wisdom will comfort you in the far future. Also, take better care of your teeth.”
That long hair I had in the late 90s remains one of my finest accomplishments.
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Going through old photos to send for proper scanning. Found one of my tata “Artie” Silva. Not enough photos of him!
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Yesterday I’m gonna party like it’s 1999.
Rainy day simplify.
submitted a comic to a literary journal today. comics are malleable and I am a cartoonist. I think of the terrible gag strips I sent to The New Yorker in 1989 and the very nice, very deserved rejection they got. and I plot my next comic.
I don’t really miss this haircut. My sister and mom look great! From, 20-ish year ago.
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