August 2021 Forty-eight posts
bird foot overcast
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Looking toward PB Point
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I make Mom’s salsa. The pickled onions are mine.
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Flat tar cakes like this can form from oil that’s spilled and congeals over time on the ocean. Here some small mollusks made it their home. I’m going to keep voting against people who think more drilling is a good idea.
Del Mar today
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My favorite of the Italian surrealist comedies.
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New Bot Day! Perserverence is a semiautonomous robotic rover! Launched by NASA July 2020; landed February 2021. “Percy” is a scientific explorer, testing the environment of Mars, seeking evidence of former microbial life, collecting rock and soil samples, and testing oxygen production to prep for potential future crewed missions. Go Percy Go!
Beach visit 2 of 2. OB.
Morning haul; minus the vape pens, cigarette butts, food packaging, congealed tar and miscellaneous plastic. Oh and the car keys. A great morning but we have to do more to protect the ocean: support @surfrider @surfridersandiego!
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