October 2021 Fifty-five posts
We used to carry on and drink and do the rock and roll #coffeetime #goodmorning #webcomic #cubecat #inktober #inktober2021
Abstractober, Experimentober
As I got closer, past the breakers, ugh.
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“You need the prompt then?” asks Cube Cat out in the surf. #inktober #inktober2021 #cubecat #webcomic #imaginarypal
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“Funny animals” a Webcomic for WebComicTober
Wetsuit First Use. It’s different. More buoyant. Less flexible. More hydrodynamic. Less able to judge how long it takes to get from A to B. Warmer. I felt a bit like a cat the first time you put it on a leash.
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Surfline says the temp between 60 and 62 F. Ever closer to needing wetsuit. Lots of seaweed churned up with recent weather and surge. But always a balm to get to go in the water.
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A redraw of a group of sketch party doodles. #doodletober
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New Bot Day! Cranky—a Kikkerland wind-up robot—was designed by Chico Bicalho – its “hands” can hold paper. Wound up, Cranky dances, drawing attention to the paper. Here he’s in the maelstrom of projects on my drafting table.
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