- improved 404 page which shows search results for the attempted slug
- deprecate roanoke-meta-brief, replace content with inclue of roanoke-meta
- beginning work on an artlung gravatars class
- move roanoke-meta into single
- major rethink of roanoke-meta
- add my photo to /links/ page
- new .reversed class to sneak up on potential dark mode styling
- many more deprecations of silly positioning and margins in favor of flex and grid! particularly in comments but everywhere
- more removal of px measures in favor of rem where appropriate
- removal of colors that are overdefined (use the cascade pal!)
- full css rethink of roanoke-meta (in progress)
- one more @media query removed
- new variables added
- use comment_text() to the the right values (with breaks and <p> tags)
- new brand colors for a few new links
- cleanup in RoanokeMerch
- better dynamic resizing of the /links/ page with scss