Replaced here:
Bound For the Blogosphere… So I’m on the San Diego train with my humble, falling apart laptop – about to leave for Los Angeles. Turn on my airport and WHAM! there’s a WiFi access point called TRAINDEPOT. No encryption.
I’m so pleased.
Bound for L.A. …
–7:29p Here we go. Live at the blogosphere event.
We’re gonna see whatsup with this.
Hanging with Dennis W and some other 405ers.
Still waiting for something to happen.
Big crowd. Nice turnout. Maybe 110 people?
It’s starting. A Rhizome person talking. xeni is being introduced.
We are being videotaped live, so says Xeni. There’s a wireless network here courtesy socalwug
Now Reverse Cowgirl’s blog girl is on. How we came to be here.Rationale for being here: “it seemed like a good idea at the time.” Exciting new technology — a means to get people interacting.
I fear that my battery is going to go dead before I can finish this. Ev says he’s never been to L.A. before. Other intros of the panel members.
Just got a battery alert. This is not good. My old clamshell iBook is tired. I may have to do this analog. Ah well. Mark of BoingBoing is talking.
I’m going offline. Just asked about some AC power. No go. 🙁
So long, I’m going into the real world.
Bye for now.